Incompass Michigan is the statewide network for comprehensive human service providers, working together to develop independence and achieve inclusive communities.
Our Mission
Through advocacy, innovation, education and leadership development, we empower our members to achieve their mission.
Our Vision
A Michigan where all people experience optimal independence and a meaningful, engaged life.
As an Incompass Michigan member, knowing that every day we have the advocacy that’s needed, that is invaluable.”
– Colleen Allen, President & CEO of Autism Alliance of Michigan
Incompass Michigan members help thousands of residents all across Michigan to live, work, and play in the community.
Core Values:
- Integrity
- Persistence
- Dedication
- Collaboration and Inclusion
- Agility
- Focus
- Balance
Our Members Serve:
- Individuals with Mental Illness
- Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
- Individuals with Physical Disabilities
- Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Individuals who are Unemployed or Underemployed
- Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
- At Risk Youth
- Seniors
- Veterans
- Children and Families
- Returning Citizens
- Individuals who are Unhoused or Experiencing Chronic Poverty
Our Members Provide:
- Employment Services
- Job Placement
- Job Coaching
- Business Services
- Skill Building
- Self Employment and Micro-Enterprise Development
- School-To-Work Transition
- Mental Health Services
- Supports Coordination
- Autism Supports
- Peer Mentoring
- Community Living Supports
- Residential
- Transportation
- Arts and Recreation
- Clubhouse
- Respite Care
- ASL Services
- and more!