As an association, we are dedicated to empowering our members to achieve their mission. Focused on helping you successfully navigate the future and stay on the leading edge.
We welcome the opportunity to visit with you about becoming part of Incompass Michigan, a statewide network working together to develop independence and achieve inclusive communities – the only association of its kind in Michigan.
Membership Levels

Organizational Members
Mission-driven, comprehensive human service providers that provide one or more services promoting community access and inclusion and that are committed to a Michigan where all people experience optimal independence and a meaningful, engaged life.
Application Required

Associate Members
Organizations and individuals who do not provide direct services and who wish to support the work of the Association, and whose objectives are consistent with the Association’s. Associate Members benefit from engaging with our Organizational Members through the products and services they offer.
Tiered Membership Options

VR Members
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Employees who are currently employed by Michigan Rehabilitation Services or Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons are eligible for individual associate memberships.
Individual Membership
Member Benefits

Connectivity &
Stay connected with critical email updates, policy workgroups, bi-weekly all member webinars, and Communities of Practice.

Education & Training
Professional Development opportunities addressing current trends and practices in the field of rehabilitation.
View Live Events Calendar
View On-Demand Learning

Grant Opportunities
Members only access to a curated list of grant opportunities relevant to the needs of our members.
Opportunity to secure a discounted a GrantStation membership for $95 annually ($699 value)

Through Lansing-based lobbying firm MHSA, Incompass Michigan advocates for legislation and policies that increase opportunities for optimal independence and inclusion for all. Incompass Michigan also supports members with in-district advocacy efforts.

Incompass Michigan is committed to, and invested in, the development of future leaders with high potential to positively impact future industry growth and success.
Explore Programs

Support & Assistance
Incompass Michigan staff have a wealth of professional experience in the areas of direct service provision, public policy formulation, program administration, occupational health and safety, and legislative advocacy.

Health & Safety Training
Free trainings specifically designed to address the needs of Community Rehabilitation Organizations and the vulnerable populations they serve.
About INTOUCH Safety

When you join Incompass Michigan, you receive a complimentary Premium Membership to the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM).
See SBAM Benefits

Workers’ Comp
Incompass Michigan administers a self-funded, group Workers’ Compensation Fund. It has saved members millions of dollars in premium costs for workers’ comp coverage.