Leadership Continuum

Leadership Continuum

Designed exclusively for graduates of the Incompass Michigan Leadership Academy  

Leadership is a journey, not a destination. Good leaders are always seeking to sharpen their skills and increase performance. Take your leadership to the next level! TLC is designed exclusively for graduates of the Incompass Michigan Leadership Academy who are ready to advance their knowledge and skills as leaders.  This comprehensive series will allow participants to take a deep dive into four key areas of leadership with facilitator Chris Scharrer.

Application deadline has closed for 2024.


  • Individual Leadership Vision Statement
  • Actionable goals for the sessions and beyond
  • Increased understanding of each individuals’ currents skills and talents as a leader
  • Plan for growth
  • Understand policy and changes impacting our association
  • Understanding of the impact of change in our organizations
  • Tips, skills and tools for leading complex change
  • Personal growth and transformation
  • Understanding of skills and behaviors that impact day to day team outcomes
  • Gain tips and tools for effective team management
  • Plan for immediate application
  • Share best practices
  • Cement the bond that has grown between participants
  • Understand how to lead with strength and influence
  • Wrap up on-going discussions and activities

2024-2025 Curriculum

Full participation in all sessions is required for graduation from the program.

Session 1: Defining Leadership
  • How will your leadership define you as a leader?  Examine the past and shape the future. Individual goal setting, accountability and evaluation will be explored and discussed.  Lead with intention!
Session 2: Transformational Leadership
  • How will you anticipate and adapt to the ever-changing environment in which you lead?  How will you lead change and inspire followership? How will you continue to grow and be a model of leadership excellence? Lead with purpose!
Session 3: Practical Leadership
  • How does leadership impact you and others around you daily?  How do you balance future vision with daily management?  Effective management, team building and group leadership skills will be covered.  Lead with confidence!
Session 4: Influential Leadership
  • How will you lead with intention?  How will you influence others to share your vision and goals?  How do other effective leaders do this? What resources are available to you for support, encouragement and accountability?  What evidence is there that you lead with quality, substance and integrity?  Lead with influence!

Each session will include topical presentation and discussion, case studies, and opportunities for each member to bring current leadership issues and challenges to the group for input and guidance. Sessions 2-4 will address objectives as outlined above and will also include topics and materials customized to address the interests and needs of the cohort.

Contact Laurie Morse-Dell for more information.

Additional Information
  • Homework and additional work outside of the sessions will be included. While the expectation is a rigorous and quality outcome, outside assignments will be manageable within the time frame of the sessions.
  • Participants of The Leadership Continuum must be employed by a current Incompass Michigan organizational member and be a graduate of The Leadership Academy (or equivalent experience*)
  • *Equivalent: An applicant who is not a graduate of the Incompass Michigan Leadership Academy may be considered, contingent on the following: One or more years in a position of leadership/management, understanding of organizational budget planning and management, demonstrated understanding of the role of the board in non-profit management, demonstrated understanding of the impact of legislation and public policy on our industry, demonstrated understanding of strategic planning and implementation.   

The Continuum Graduates

Names and organizations are reflective at the time of graduation, some may have changed since.

* Individuals marked with an asterisk have advanced to serve in C-Suite level roles.

2024 Graduates
2023 Graduates
2022 Graduates
2021 Graduates
2019 Graduates
2018 Graduates
2017 Graduates

As someone who had a lot of changes in my position and leadership functions in a short amount of time, I found the Leadership Continuum a needed safe space to connect and rejuvenate with other leaders in the field. The Continuum allowed me to deepen my own awareness of my growth areas, and hone effective leadership skills to strengthen my team and contributions to my organization. It also gave me a place to comfortably and openly share hard situations, when outside perspectives were needed. I highly recommend the Leadership Continuum to anyone looking for greater connection to others in the field, and looking to take their leadership skills to the next level.”

– Jessica Diener, Peckham